29 October 2010

wieder die Schwierigkeiten

well, it's been crazy readjusting. then add the factor that i'm working on my senior show. gah!

quick spit about my last month in Germany: apologies to Anderson. i totally forgot to include swinging by Köln again at the end of the Pfingsten holiday. we did lovely things like cook together, afternoons in the park and salsa dancing until 5am. thanks for coming to Tübingen for my birthday as well, my friend!

came home to three-week-old coffee that was growing mold. oh yeah, and my birthday party was a blast. absolutely no pictures on my part. lame. i know. it was definitely a blast, though! like i always say, "freut mich, wenn ihr aber da seid." =) screw photos, time spent with friends deserves my undivided attention.

so, i've added lots of stuff to my miscellaneous Tübingen album. there's some interesting compositions with my in-room dryer (eg: socks and underwear hanging EVERYwhere).

a totally random night with an awesome Baltic band playing in the streets, complete with being shooed away by the cops. look at the crowd they had!

then i did a short little Ja!-product study. cheers, Francino. ;)

did a little hiking excursion with Andrew and his tandem, Konstantin. Bad Urach is always a beautiful place. we had lots of lovely conversations as well (outside all the World Cup craziness).

[Andrew und Konstantin]

made a few going-away photos with the Lustnauers.

[Ya-En und Ondřej]

have a few from our art show as well. aw man, makes me feel nice and special inside. officially exhibited in another country!

[Philip und Herr Weckworth]

then i handed the camera over to Grégory on my last night. what fun! it was the best last night i could have possibly had! right after a somewhat embarrassing moment with the Hausmeister while only wearing a towel, Grég and i headed straight to the grocery store that afternoon for a case (20 half litre bottles) of beer and promptly sat ourselves on the church steps like normal.

[mit Guy und Boris auf den Treppen]

i miss drinking in Germany. not being an alcoholic, but the attitude about it is a lot different. people look at you carrying a case of beer and, instead of scowling at 'you hooligans with your beer,' they smile and say, "Oh, what are you celebrating?" then i would explain that i had been studying abroad and tonight was my last night. it sparked several conversations about Tübingen with random people that brought a warm sense of familiarity.

the next morning i was woken up at around 4am from a violent thunderstorm. had coffee with Grég as usual. it slowed up, but rained the whole way to the train station as if Tübingen was crying. the conductor said 'adele' (very southern german dialect) as he handed my ticket back. the trains were packed, but me and a group of punks helped people get on an off despite the mess, just to make things easier on everyone. it was a wonderful last day; so wonderful, that i was too pleasantly happy to cry about leaving. couldn't have had a better ending. (pause for thought)

and so... here i am again. i miss Germany a lot, of course. i've exchanged tons of letters and emails. chat on Skype a bit. finished the book Francesco recommended. still savoring Nik's german rapseed honey. it's not the same, though. it's been real tough filling in the huge hole left by that other life i made. I MADE. it was a treat getting my clothes and books back in the mail. i'll speak german when i'm talking to myself in the mirror about useless things, earnestly in anticipation for the unknown day that it's again a part of my everyday life. been working relentlessly on my senior show. haven't made digital photos for months. i just keep plodding along; patiently, head held high, dreams tucked away in a box that waits for it's Pandora.