last day: didn't sleep in my own bed (i'm getting too attached to this couch surfing business), drama on Holly Street, Mom had already left for AT and my dad literally just dropped me off at the airport. quite uneventful.
so, one month back in the States and three out of four weeks were spent traveling. gotta make it worth it, eh? i didn't sleep at all, despite the fact that my flight left at 5pm and arrived at the beginning of a new day. the movies were shitty, but i had an entry level German/English reader to keep me occupied. i didn't check the clock at all, was back in Deutschland in no time, three more hours on the train, all the -ingen names being read off and... hello Tübingen, i missed you so much! ♥
sunshine. middle of the week. bus line direct to Viktor-Renner. mailbox with a postcard from Marianna. Schlüssel in der Tür. not so clean apartment. perfekt. home sweet home.
Marie's old room was open and completely empty. the Hausmeister came in at one point that afternoon without knocking, looked at me grumpily, asked me if i was the only roommate there at the moment, slammed shut the door to the empty room and told me that the floor needed cleaning. seriously, Dude. i arrived THAT day! oh well, i took a shower and proceeded to clean the whole apartment. i put away all the dishes, wiped all the counters, cleaned the inside of the fridge, swept the floors, mopped the floors, mopped the bathroom twice and even scraped the caked grease off the fan hood above the stove. damn did it look good!
i bought some Brötchen, tomatoes and Mozzarella to make sandwiches, then left for Prague the next day; only sorry that i was leaving Tübingen so soon.
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