Spring got off to a nice start in Denver. Bayardo swung by on his way from Washington state back to North Carolina. His first day it was 80° with not a cloud in the sky and he was ecstatic after spending a cold gray winter in Tacoma.
If you haven't read a lot of this blog, Bayardo is a former photo classmate of mine and we have traveled together quite a few times. It's always nice to photograph with a fellow photographer. Nice camaraderie. Geek side note: the root of that word is the same as 'camera.'
Having guests always makes a place feel more like 'home.' I know I talked about that a bit when Nick (another photo classmate) came to visit me in Tübingen. Plus, it's an excuse to go out to eat and get drinks. =)
B's stay was pleasant despite the tiny apartment. I wish I had my other bike put together, so we could ride together, but I wasn't expecting the weather to instantly go from 40-something to 70-something. Note to self for next year: be ready to grab spring by the horns!
I even managed to wake my friend up at 4 in the morning to drive down to Colorado Springs for sunrise at Garden of the Gods. I refuse to go there at any other time. It is exponentially more beautiful when the red light of daybreak hits those red rocks.
All in all, what a way for spring to start! I feel energized not only from getting a visit from a friend, but also getting out with another photographer. Let's get this party hoppin'!
All in all, what a way for spring to start! I feel energized not only from getting a visit from a friend, but also getting out with another photographer. Let's get this party hoppin'!
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