19 July 2009

home sweet home?

so, here i am. back in Greenville. 3,000 and some odd miles added to my odometer, and my life (my car is a douche and resets the trip at 1,999... as me, Bayardo and Nick disappointedly found out when we drove to Dallas).

[actual mileage = 3,320]

i came back to State College from Glen Hope on Wednesday around noon. my laundry was already clean and there was minimal packing to be done. the Mikes wouldn't be off work for a while, so i parked in the Pugh St. garage and wandered around campus.

the variety of buildings is pretty awesome. i know the album may seem boring, but i was checking out all the different styles of architecture. i kind of made a game for myself out of trying to guess which department was in the building by the aesthetics of the structure. for all you Penn Staters, i tried to keep the names out of the pictures so you can try to remember them all. ;)

[Old Main at Penn State]

i only saw about half of main campus before all the solo wandering got a little depressing, so i stopped and did the touristy thing of amusing myself with all the ducks around the Alumni Center. mind you, half of campus means takes about four hours to cover, which i equal to the distance i walked in Pittsburgh's downtown.

[bunny and ducklings]

i walked around downtown a little more, found a hat shop, had pizza at The Canyon in the Canyon (where all the 'high-rise' apartments are) and discussed They Might Be Giants with the cashier. by the time i got back to the house, Mike and Mike were home. i went with Little Mike to Sarah's for a few goodbye drinks with her and the roommates, Andrew and Alex.

for some reason i am still surprised about the trail of common interests that runs through friends of friends. from Lyndsey to Steve to my 79-year-old grandmother's friends, it's all been a good time and i could easily hang out with these people on a daily basis. hopefully Facebook and all those business cards can keep some of this alive.

anywho, awesome last night with friends, filled the gas tank, good sleep and warm goodbyes in the morning. i was definitely ready to attack an 8hr drive. Virginia was hell-ish as usual, but there were no stops 'til i ran out of gas just north of Rocky Mount. i saw the traffic ahead was almost at a standstill and quickly cut across two lanes thinking 'omg, i'm too hungry to wait getting to the next exit.' then i took whatever road that was just to get away. it wasn't long before i ran into my usual route off I-95, and everything was cake.

[an average meal on the road]

Katie wasn't at the Holly St. house when i got off the Greene St. Bridge, so i headed over to my mom's to pick up my cat. oddly enough, my dad was at her house using the Internet. she came home from work to me fixing potato salad (i think i have been on a cooking rampage ever since i complained to Luke that school took up too much of my time to refine my culinary skills) and her friend Stuart came over, so it ended up being a four person dinner. i stayed talking and drinking beers with Stuart until at least 1am, took Sugi home and barely recognized that i was in my own bed.

well, that's that. i wish i could say that i learned something, but i pretty much just reinforced what i already knew. travel is more 'at home' than actually being at 'home' for me. if 'home is where the heart is,' it only makes sense that MY home is wherever my friends and family may be. doesn't narrow things down much.

oh well, time to tackle the first of my consequences from this trip.

[bugs on the front of my Bug]

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