30 March 2012


Spring got off to a nice start in Denver.  Bayardo swung by on his way from Washington state back to North Carolina.  His first day it was 80° with not a cloud in the sky and he was ecstatic after spending a cold gray winter in Tacoma.

If you haven't read a lot of this blog, Bayardo is a former photo classmate of mine and we have traveled together quite a few times.  It's always nice to photograph with a fellow photographer.  Nice camaraderie. Geek side note: the root of that word is the same as 'camera.'

Having guests always makes a place feel more like 'home.'  I know I talked about that a bit when Nick (another photo classmate) came to visit me in Tübingen.  Plus, it's an excuse to go out to eat and get drinks.  =)

B's stay was pleasant despite the tiny apartment.  I wish I had my other bike put together, so we could ride together, but I wasn't expecting the weather to instantly go from 40-something to 70-something.  Note to self for next year: be ready to grab spring by the horns!

I even managed to wake my friend up at 4 in the morning to drive down to Colorado Springs for sunrise at Garden of the Gods.  I refuse to go there at any other time.  It is exponentially more beautiful when the red light of daybreak hits those red rocks.

All in all, what a way for spring to start!  I feel energized not only from getting a visit from a friend, but also getting out with another photographer.  Let's get this party hoppin'!

25 March 2012

community and new beginnings

TJ, a co-worker from the hardware store, lost his job there shortly after I did. His solution: instead of fixing bikes for someone else, do it for yourself.

Denver is now graced with the underground bike shop, literally under the ground, in TJ's basement. He'll pick up whatever you've got, give it a solid tune and also restores any vintage wheels he can find. When I heard the news, I offered to photograph his work on the classics.  Objects are so much easier than people!

Check out the webpage, support a local business.  I can't wait 'til we can round up a few friends and shoot these beauties riding around town!