29 August 2009

wo ist mein Kabel?!

so, i happened to find some unedited photos on my portable harddrive. for lack of aktuell fotos, here is a tidbit from a roadtrip to Dallas, TX this past April. the Society for Photographic Eductaion had their national convention there during a regular school week. our university had a scholarship that paid for your plane ticket and hotel, but of course we only have money for four undergrads and four graduate students. in short, my buddies Bayardo and Nick were with me in saying "oh well, we're still driving!" and so we went on our merry little way for 20hrs.

i don't know, maybe there is something about being around so many other photographers, but i wasn't feeling too in to it. hence, these photos never really got any attention. shows you have desparate i am to get you pictures from Germany, eh?

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