23 September 2009

Leben von die Mönchen

funny how churchs stand the test of time better than most, eh? as unreligious as i am, it goes to say something.

our first class activity with Startkurs started with a bus ride to the most densely populated dorm area, from which we walked over some hills into the next town. the transition was a little ironic and made me smile.


Bebenhaus is a tiny little town with a Cloister. by tiny, i compare it to Glen Hope. hence, the picture of the Firehouse/Townhall combo. much love to the fam. =)

[Feuerwerk und Rathaus]

i know, there are fifty million old churches all over Germany and blah blah blah, but like the castle ruins, you can't really ignore the history. insert tangents on Martin Luther that take me back to music history classes.

[das Kloster]

sorry for the lack of writing. most of the photos are all about personal reflection anyway. i'm being a good student throughout the day. i've only just realized how little English i speak (other than too much time spent here and on Facebook). i've got a nice spread to work with between talking with other Ausländers, to my very understanding Leherer and to straight up Germans. actually, the ten minute conversation i had with a salesperson at the camera shop was the most English i've had since the weekend. sehr gut!

it's no St. Louis to me, but i hope that history and i get a little more intimate in the future.

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