01 September 2009

Sommerkurs ist vergangen =(

okay, i told myself that i would work back from the most recent photos and start off with a new post. took me two days. i've been pretty alone since the Sommerkurs ended and finally being able to work on my photography has been perfekt.

the past month has been chock full of fun and awesome people that i don't want to forget. here's our last day together:

[breakfast behind Hegalbau]

we got our final test scores, certificates for the course and time for goodbyes. our Leherin (Lena) and Tutorin (Sandra) were fantastic. we gave them gifts. kitchy, but full of love. besides, it's kind of hard to not be kitchy when there are some many different cultures trying to operate together in the simplest way possible in order to get things done.

[Lena practicing her new Ohashi with Yuko]

we also took time to relive our funnest moments, and make new ones! entertainment was never out of the question. even though i was disappointed how the course was mainly review, i wouldn't give the Sommerkurs up for anything. i have a feeling that i'll really appreciate the laidback attitude once things really get rolling at the university.

[Alice showing Takuya the video of us singing in class]

this hardly captures everything. ask me questions about people, places, moments, whatever! i could talk your ear off, but only if you want me to. ;)

[Alice and Giorgio acting out a bull fight]

after meeting with our classes, the whole group got together in the InfoZentrum. check out the album! we looked pretty silly with over a hundred people parading through town with balloons like little kids... or perhaps "99 Luftballons."

[walking up the hillside together]

still, i broke out the fisheye and got some great photos. it was the only way to get everyone, plus the sky was fantastic (fantastically horrible to edit) and one must have a beautiful sky when there are so many Luftballons. and yes, that was a big hill to hike up. it's not that exaggerated.

[setting our balloons free]

picture time again. with more people. again, ask questions. i've got stories for everything, plus more. ie: people who don't show up for things and are too much of a hater, Reece. =P

[Ayumi and Yuki]

the goodbyes were sad, but the hillside was pretty romantic. as much as one wants to say that the whole ordeal was cheesy, it still felt nice in the end. definitely more that can be put into words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :-(

your kitty Alice