02 October 2009

Nachmittag an der Insel

one of my favourite places in Tübingen is a small island in the middle of the Neckar River. there are two rows of giant trees (always beautiful) and you get a perfect view of the leaning houses along the Neckar and in front of the castle. you can also see the famous Hölderlinturm. the houses are colourful and the light is perfect at every time of day, not to mention all the Stocherkähne.

i was leaving Tutorium and Diana looked bored, so i invited her along. we had a nice chat about artsy stuff (her parents have a gallery in Colorado) and the afternoon was as peaceful as the photos. shade v. light is really contrasty, which goes for screwy white balance and bad exposure, but i'm really not that bothered by the images. it just enhances the dreamy sort of feeling.

our next class activity was to be another Stocherkahn ride for me, so sorry about the excess of Stocherkähne. i'm still in love with them.

it feels good to go out just for the purpose of taking photos. earlier this day i bought a bicycle, so i will extend my exkursions through town and might not pay to travel far before the semester starts. we'll see. after all the walking, the bike seems so fast and i need a bit of time to adjust. i think it's helping me prep for a motorcycle, though. maybe it's just from how UNsafe the US is, but riding a bike makes me very conscious of everything on the road. also, i never realized how much i didn't know about a bicycle until after the motorcycle course. i'm catching on to the two-wheel concept pretty quick. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ich liebe den(?) Ort am Fluss!
Gute Fotos.