01 January 2010

"put your hands up for Detroit!"

enter: end-of-class festivities. before spending Christmas with Eva, i planned a week-long loop through Luxembourg, België and de Nederland. i was supposed to leave the day after classes were done, but Gianluca and Francesco were having their birthday party that night and i couldn't bring myself to miss it. what's one day? i wouldn't stay late and leave Tü early the next morning.

i was watching Enchanted with Diana an hour or so before, when they showed up at my door and asked if i would photograph the night. wasn't really expecting that, so i explained that i couldn't do the entire night. no problem. finished the movie, was surprised i liked it, put on my flip-flops and headed downstairs with my camera and *gasp* my flash.

i was feeling a bit stiff, but the boys gave me free run of the alcohol in the fridge and i took a beer to loosen up. insert mayhem.

[typische Italiener]

when i got to the point i felt more than buzzed, i took my camera back to my room and finished my night free from managing expensive equipment. not too bad, despite being slightly drunk. i promise you that the only shots i took out were ones with ganz hässlich expressions on people's faces. i call it success. no shots of the ceiling. no horribly off-center crap. the auto-focus was a difficult from the lack of light and a few are out of focus, in addition to me not knowing jack shit about using adjusting a flash. but overall, not too bad. i definitely identified some areas i need to work on.

so, not studio portraits, but check out the album. it was fun.

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